Navaja Valero Jun carraca 157 mmNavajas "Valero Jun Zaragoza" were made in Thiers (France) in the second half of 19th century, mostly for the Spanish market.The main difference between the Spanish and French types, is a use of liners, and also the bolster and the butt from the solid piece of m..
Navaja Valero Jun Zaragoza blued 158 mmFrench type knife in the style of a famous Thiers brand of the 19th century, - "Valero Jun Zaragoza". Valero Jun was one of the most elegant navaja knives of those years, and one of the most desired models among collectors. Full length while ope..
Navaja isabelina aristocratica with crossThis elegant type of navajas was produced for the Spanish market in Thiers (France) and was primarily intended for the upper classes. Therefore these navajas are known as "aristocratica". Since the scales of these navajas were often inlaid with silver c..
Navaja Francesa Valero Jun In the second half of 19th century in Thiers (France) there were founded a few brands with a Spanish-sounding names, focused on the Spanish market. Among the most famous can be called "Valero Jun Zaragoza", "Navajas de Toledo" , "Toledo", "Haudeville en Albacette..
Navaja Francesa Rattlesnake tailThis type of navajas, known as the "queue de crotale" - a rattlesnake's tail, was produced in the second half of the 19th century in Thiers (France) for the Spanish marketFull length: 365 mmBlade: Austrian Bohler N690 st. steel. Hardness: 60 HRCFull flat grind. B..